Tuesday, June 23, 2020

On Statues (and Icons)

As the debate about statues of historical figures is a raging debate in some quarters, I think it is apropos to discuss the proper role and function of statues (as well as icons and other images) in the Bible and (genuine) Christian tradition. Here is a listing of articles on this blog and elsewhere addressing this issue:

Latter-day Saints and Religious Images

Answering a Catholic Apologist on the Veneration of Images

The Early Christian Use of the Staurogram in Manuscripts: A Visual Reference to Christ's Crucifixion?

Will Durant on the Development of the Veneration of Images

Brian E. Daley on Eusebius' and Epiphanius' Opposition to the Veneration of Images

Athenagoras vs. Second Nicea and Trent on the Veneration of Images and the Persons they Represent

Richard Price on the Late Origin of Icon/Image Veneration

Examples of Second Nicea Affirming the Veneration of Images/Icons, not the Heavenly Prototypes Merely

See also

Eric D. Svendsen, In the Image of God: A Dialogue With a Roman Catholic Apologist on the Veneration of Images (a thorough response to Robert Sungenis on the overwhelming early Christian evidence against the later defined RC/EO dogma)

John B. Carpenter, Answering Eastern Orthodox Apologists regarding Icons

Karl Joseph Von Hefele, A History of the Councils of the Church From the Original Documents, vol. 5: A.D. 626 to the Close of the of the Second Council of Nicea, A.D. 787

As this topic is related to Rome's high Mariology, be sure to see my book:

Behold the Mother of My Lord: Towards a Mormon Mariology (2017)

As some RC/EO apologists tie veneration of images into with the veneration of the consecrated Host, be sure to check out the following essays examining the purported biblical and patristic evidence for the Mass as  propitiatory sacrifice and Transubstantiation:

Responses to Robert Sungenis, Not By Bread Alone (2000/2009)