Monday, July 6, 2020

"Discussion on Mormonism" on Reason and Theology

My friend Jaxon Washburn recently interacted with Luis Dizon (who is basically a counter-cultist wannabe [with a focus on the Iglesia ni Cristo] who, unlike most others, currently is Catholic, not Protestant):


Discussion on Mormonism

I posed a question on the Immaculate Conception and Second Nicea's teachings on the veneration of images (both defined dogmas which are supposedly apostolic in origin). You will note that both Luis and the host, Michael Lofton, dodged the question, instead (falsely) claiming that Justin Martyr taught it (based on his drawing a parallel between Mary and Eve). On these issues, see, for e.g.:

Answering Tim Staples on Patristic Mariology and the Immaculate Conception

Justin Martyr: An Early Witness to the Immaculate Conception?

Answering Fundamentalist Protestants and Roman Catholic/Eastern Orthodox on Images/Icons

To see how a Catholic, when it comes to Mary, uses completely different standards as opposed to other topics (e.g., the hermeneutic one uses to show the Bible affirms the personal pre-existence of Jesus), consider the following exchange in the youtube chat box I had with Luis on χαριτοω in Sirach 18:17 and its implications for Luke 1:28 (see the chapter on the Immaculate Conception in the Bible in my book, Behold the Mother of My Lord: Towards a Mormon Mariology)

(I was being sarcastic in my response to Luis' pathetic attempt to get around Sirach 18:17 [I know: "duh!"])