Friday, July 24, 2020

Jason Oakes’ Fellow Trinitarians Condemning His Views of Christ as a doctrine of Antichrist

Edward Dalcour, a defender of Trinitarian Christology (see his A Definitive Look at Oneness Theology in the Light of Biblical Trinitarianism [4th ed.; Potchefstroom, South Africa: North-West University, 2016]), had an interview with Sam Shamoun refuting Oneness Pentecostalism and their (1) affirmation of Modalism and (2) rejection of the personal pre-existence of Jesus. During the Q&A segment, Sam Shamoun asked him about how some Oneness (and even ignorant Trinitarians like Jason Oakes) rejects Jesus having a body now in heaven. One can listen to Dalcour interact with Shamoun on this point beginning at the 1:18:17 mark:


Dr. Edward Dalcour on Modalism/Oneness Theology



As Dalcour notes (among many other things), in 1 John 4:2, the term translated as "has [KJV: is] come" (re. Jesus' coming in the flesh) is ἐληλυθότα, a perfect active participle, meaning something that happened in the past with on-going results, that is, Jesus came into the flesh and remains in the flesh. Indeed, he argues that if you deny that Jesus is in the flesh now, you an anti-Christ and denying a mark of Orthodoxy.

Dalcour's (correct) comments flies in the face of Jason Oakes, whose ignorance of "Mormonism" and even rudimentary biblical exegesis is matched by his ignorance of historic Trinitarian Christology (notwithstanding his belief that the Trinity is a core doctrine and that Latter-day Saints and others are "cultists" for rejecting such[!]). See:

Jason Oakes Affirming Christological Heresies such as Jesus Not Being God While Embodied