Sunday, July 19, 2020

Lutheran Satire, "WhaddaBout the Thief on the Cross"


Lutheran Satire has just posted a hilarious video:


WhaddaBout the Thief on the Cross



The topic of baptismal regeneration is a topic I have written a lot about on this blog, including the following articles:


Refuting Douglas Wilson on Water Baptism and Salvation

J. Paul Sampley on Baptismal Regeneration and Ephesians 5:25-27 

John Greer vs. the biblical doctrine of baptismal regeneration


For a discussion of the thief on the cross, see:


The Good Thief on the Cross (cf. Matthew W. Bates on the Thief on the Cross)


As an aside, as I am 100% convinced that, even using the framework of tota and sola scriptura, baptismal regeneration can be shown to be a biblical teaching, I will happily have a full debate (whether online via Skype or Zoom or in public) defending the thesis that “Baptismal Regeneration is Consistent with the Biblical Testimony of Salvation” or some similar debate thesis. Let me know if you are interested at IrishLDS87ATGmailDOTcom