Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Salza/Sungenis on God "holding back" the eyes of those at a place of a heavenly visitation and miracle from witnessing such

Commenting on the Miracle of the Sun at Fatima and why no one beyond the crowd of 70,000 witnessed such, Traditionalist Catholic apologists John Salza and Robert Sungenis wrote that:


 . .. if God “held back” the eyes of those who gathered with the three children at the Cova to see Our Lady (although the others who saw the tree limbs bend from Our Lady’s wright and the petals move with Our Lady’s motion), then God could have held back the eyes of the rest of the world during the Miracle of the Sun. (John Salza and Robert Sungenis, The Consecration of Russia: How Seven Popes Failed to Heed Heaven’s Command and Brought Turmoil to the Church and the World [Germantown, Wis.: Hometown Publications, Inc., 2013], 61 n. 123)


It appears that Salza and Sungenis have a better grasp of how miraculous appearances and the like work than certain Protestant apologists vis-à-vis not all assembled always seeing such events (cf. The Number of Moroni's Appearances to Joseph Smith).