Thursday, August 20, 2020

Craig Truglia, "Top 3 Reasons Fr Kappes’ Prokathartheisa/Prepurification Thesis Is Wrong"


Recently, Catholic priest and scholar Christaan Kappes has been forwarding the thesis that the use of the Greek προκαθαρθείσα  by Gergory Nazianzus and others is evidence for belief in the Immaculate Conception of Mary (which was elevated to a dogma in 1854).


Easter Orthodox apologist Craig Truglia has an excellent response to Kappes on this issue, showing that the term does not support an immaculate conception of Mary:


Top 3 Reasons Fr Kappes’ Prokathartheisa/Prepurification Thesis Is Wrong


For more on the Immaculate Conception, see my two chapters addressing this dogma in light of the Bible and early Christian writings (chs. 2-3 [pp.35-82]) of my book:


Behold the Mother of My Lord: Towards a Mormon Mariology