Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Jonathan Neville's Hatred of Proponents of a Mesoamerican Geography is Greater than his love for the gospel


Recently Daniel Peterson plugged a post on my blog:


An exceptionally stupid argument against the Restoration


Jonathan Neville (see the Neville-Neville Land blog for thorough refutations of Neville), has a recent blog post (attempting) to interact with Dan’s post, showing he has more contempt for Dan Peterson and other proponents of a Mesoamerican setting for the Book of Mormon than he has love for the Restored Gospel:


Exceptionally stupid? Current LDS apologetics


Why do I say this? Note the following from Neville:


Instead of ridiculing sincere objections and questions from those outside our faith, answer them accurately with equivalent sincerity and understanding.


This means that Neville honestly believes the following is a sincere question and objection to the faith:


Why did Smith’s three main witnesses, Cowdrey, Davis and Scales write the book, “Who Really Wrote the Book of Mormon? (Vision House Publishers, 1977)? Why did they leave the Mormon Church, even though they claimed to have seen Smith’s tablets?


Neville’s hatred of Dan Peterson et al is greater than any fidelity he has to the Gospel.