Monday, September 28, 2020

Old Testament Parallels to the Grammar of Genesis 19:24


The following passages, taken from the 1985 JPS Tanakh, are parallels to the grammar one finds  in Gen 19:24 (where, in the Hebrew, a noun is repeated instead of using a pronoun):


Then He [YHWH] said to Moses, "Come up to the LORD, with Aaron, Nadab, and Abihu, and seventy elders of Israel, and bow low from afar. Moses alone shall come near the LORD; but the others shall not come near, nor shall the people come up with him." (Exo 24:1-2)


Then Solomon convoked the elders of Israel--all the heads of the tribes and the ancestral chieftains of the Israelites--before King Solomon in Jerusalem, to bring up in the Ark of the Covenant of the LORD from the City of David, that is, Zion. (1 Kgs 8:1)


She conceived again and bore a daughter; and He said to him, "Name her Lo-ruhamah; for I will no longer accept the House of Israel or pardon them. (But I will accept the House of Judah. And I will give them victory through the LORD their God; I will not give them victory with bow and sword and battle, by horses and riders.)" (Hos 1:6, 7)


But the angel of the LORD said to the Accuser, "The LORD rebuke you, O Accuser, may the LORD who has chosen Jerusalem rebuke you! For this is a brand plucked from the fire." (Zech 3:2)


But I will make them mighty through the LORD, And they shall march proudly in His name--declares the LORD. (Zech 10:12)


Further Reading

Does Genesis 19:24 support the Trinity?

Keil and Delitzch on Genesis 19:24 not being a Trinitarian proof-text

Trinitarian Apologist States that there are Two Distinct Yahwehs (or, in other words, "two distinct Gods")