Tuesday, September 15, 2020

On Joseph Smith's Role in Salvation and the Nature of the Sufficiency of Christ's Atonement

 R.C. Evans, a former member of the RLDS Church, wrote the following which proves the truth of the French saying, “plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose” ("the more things change, the more they remain the same"):


Paul informs us in 1 Timothy 2, 5: “For there is one God and ONE MEDIATOR between God and man, the Man, Jesus Christ.” The teaching of the Mormon church is, that Joseph Smith has gone to heaven to assist Christ in this work. See the above hymn, “Pleading with God in behalf of his brethren.” The Bible plainly teaches that Christ shed His blood to seal the Covenant by which man may be saved, but J. Smith again comes to the rescue, and we are told that J. Smith shed his blood to bring forth the Book of Mormon, for the salvation of a ruined world. Doctrine and Covenants 113. Shall we place J. Smith and his Book of Mormon on a par with Christ and the Bible. Is the blood of Christ sufficient? Will His pleadings prevail or do we require J. Smith to go to heaven to help Him as a mediator? (R.C. Evans, Forty Years in the Mormon Church: Why I Left It! [1920], 21)


For responses to these arguments about the role and status of Joseph Smith in Latter-day Saint theology as well as the nature of the sufficiency of Christ, see:

Joseph Smith Worship? Responding to Criticisms of the Role and Status of the Prophet Joseph Smith in Latter-day Saint Theology 

 Response to a Recent Attempt to Defend Imputed Righteousness

Full Refutation of the Protestant Interpretation of John 19:30