Friday, September 18, 2020

Robert Sungenis vs. Keith Mathison and Michael Horton on Sola Scriptura and Sola Fide


Catholic apologist Robert Sungenis just posted two articles addressing Sola Scriptura and Sola Fide:


A Critique of Keith Mathison's book: "The Shape of Sola Scriptura"


Rebuttal to Dr. Michael S. Horton on: "Is Justification By Faith Alone?"


The second editions of Sungenis' books that go into greater detail on these issues can be downloaded for free on his Academia Web Page:


Not By Scripture Alone: A Catholic Critique of the Protestant Doctrine of Sola Scriptura


Not By Faith Alone: The Biblical Evidence for the Catholic Doctrine of Justification


Latter-day Saints who engage with Protestants, esp. of the Reformed variety, will find these resources invaluable.


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