Friday, September 4, 2020

The 1845 Proclamation of the Twelve Apostles Using "Jehovah" for the Father and "Elohim" as a Generic Noun


In the April 6, 1845 Proclamation of the Twelve Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints to All the Kings of the World; to the President of the United States of America; to the Governors of the Several States and to the Rulers and Peoples of All Nations, we have an instance where "Jehovah" is applied to the person of God the Father and an understanding that "Elohim" is a generic noun, not the "name" of the Father, let alone "Elohim" always denoting "gods" contra many naive LDS interpreters:


KNOW ye that the kingdom of God has come, as has been predicted by ancient prophets, and prayed for in all ages; even that kingdom which shall fill the whole earth, and shall stand for ever.


The great Elohim, Jehovah, has been pleased once more to speak from the heavens, and also to commune with man upon the earth, by means of open visions, and by the ministration of HOLY MESSENGERS.


By this means the great and eternal High Priesthood, after the order of his Son (even the Apostleship) has been restored or returned to the earth. (p. 1)