Saturday, September 19, 2020

Ubi Petrus and Jay Dyer vs. Erick Ybarra on the Papacy

In fact, if I didn't have 0% evidence of Catholic tradition from the first 10 centuries, that still would not be a debilitating, paralysing problem for us, because that's not part of our understanding of revelation (Erick Ybarra in Book Release: Introduction to the Holy Bible for Traditional Catholics by Timothy Flanders [quote from the 1:29:16 mark]) 

Catholic apologist Erick Ybarra has a book that will be released later this year on the topic of the Papacy. For this reason, I think it is apropos to share again two of the many refutations of Ybarra on this central issue:

Why Catholicism is Wrong on Church History & Erick Ybarra Refuted

HEATED Debate! Pope Francis & Vatican II Contradictions - Jay Dyer VS Erick Ybarra

For those wishing to study the Papacy, be sure to check out:

Bibliography on the Papacy and Papal Infallibility

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