Thursday, September 17, 2020

Want to Make Scriptural Mormonism a Full-Time Profession? Here is how!

I have been blogging here for over 6 years and am nearing the 5,000th post (!) so I would like to think that I have made a bit of a positive impact in the realm of Latter-day Saint apologists, theology, and scholarship. Further, with the economy here in Ireland (at least in my area [southwest]) being pretty bad, I am trying to break out of the meagre handful of hours I can get working as an independent accounting technician into something more meaningful, both financially and personally. With the economy as it is, I might as well try to venture into a form of self-employment doing something I love to do and am good at and results in the edification of others, too! Thus this post.


In many other traditions, there are full-time apologists/bloggers, such as Dave Armstrong (RC) and those at Catholic Answers, as well as Protestants, Eastern Orthodox and others, so I am proposing this to those who are interested: Let’s try to make my writing on theology, apologetics, biblical issues, etc., into a full-time thing.


"How so?" I hear you ask. Here is how--


I just set up a Patreon page, so if one wishes to make a monthly donation one can do so here (*)


Of course, one can make a once-off donation via Paypal here.


All money will be used for writing and research purposes, though if it turns into something more full-time, other expenses, too (a guy has to eat . . . )

(*) I am only getting used to Patreon. All those who contribute (no matter the figure) will get benefits--maybe one-on-one and/or group skype chats discussing theology and other topics with me on a weekly/fortnightly basis or other things--whatever future donors want, really (allowing for time zone differences, etc) and if/when new books will be published, early copies to be sent to them in the post for free, etc.