Monday, October 26, 2020

Protestant Apologist Fails (and gets triggered when asked) to Defend Protestantism

On the 18 and 25 October, I participated in a zoom discussion with a fellow Latter-day Saint and a few Protestants, including Ed Havaich. Ed has not made the video for 18 October available (where he embarrassed himself on baptismal regeneration and Rom 6:3-7 and unable to provide evidence for Sola Scriptura). Last week, proving that he is, as are many Protestant apologists, unable to provide positive evidence for his Protestantism (he also got triggered after being asked to stop assuming Sola Scriptura and to prove it!). I have put some excerpts of the discussion online:

Protestants, Apostasy, and the Priesthood

Protestants Assuming, but not Wanting to Prove, Sola Scriptura

Old Testament Prophecies of the Aaronic Priesthood in the New Covenant

Protestant apologists like Ed and their intellectual failure to defend their theology is the single greatest evidence that Protestantism is a false gospel.