Monday, November 30, 2020

Alfred Douglas Young (1808-1889): Recollection of Speaking in Tongues Coupled with an Interpretation Thereof in 1841

Writing in 1887, Alfred Douglas Young recollected his experience of speaking in tongues, with such being coupled by his brother interpreting such (cf. 1 Cor 12:10, 30; 14:5, 9, 13, 23, 26)


When I was baptized and confirmed [a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints], the Elders wished to ordain me an Elder, but I objected because I thought I was not worthy. After my return home, I heard that a branch of the church was organized in Gibson County where I was baptized. I returned there to visit my friends and the Saints, and was ordained an Elder by my brother [William Young] and Elder Daniel Hunt, on the 16th September 1841.


In this branch [of the church], the gifts of the Gospel such as the gift of tongues and prophesyings were made manifest.


In the evening after my ordination there was a meeting of the branch at my brother’s house. For the first time, I was called upon to preach, and spoke for some time in tongues, and my brother gave the interpretation. (Benson Knowles, ed., The Refiner’s Fire: An Autobiographical Account of the Visions, Miracles and Trials of Mormon Pioneer Alfred Douglas Young [GDP Consulting Inc., 2020], 30, emphasis in bold added)