Saturday, November 7, 2020

Discussing/Debating the Priesthood with Protestants and the Tactics of Evangelical Anti-Mormons

A friend, Jedediah, invited me to participate in an LDS/Protestant dialogue on Zoom. It was hosted by  Ed Havaich, a Protestant apologist who once debated with Robert Morey against two UPC ministers on baptismal regeneration.

The first presentation was not recorded (18 October) where baptismal regeneration and Sola Scriptura was discussed. However, the others were, and it reveals the absolute inability of Protestants to argue in favour of their own theology and be consistent in their arguments against "Mormonism:"

Priesthood Discussion (25 October 2020)

I originally decided not to upload the entire discussion, but Ed has shown himself to be disingenuous, not just in his Zoom discussions with Latter-day Saints, but has constantly refused to show any integrity even in email discussions. For that reason, (1) to expose him and (2) show how Protestantism cannot hold up to any scrutiny, I have published the entire discussion.

For those who want some of the highlights of the discussion we had, see the following:

Protestants, Apostasy, and the Priesthood (this is text-book "dodging" from Ed)

Protestants Assuming, but not Wanting to Prove, Sola Scriptura

Old Testament Prophecies of the Aaronic Priesthood in the New Covenant

Protestant apologists like Ed and their intellectual failure to defend their theology is the single greatest evidence that Protestantism is a false gospel.