Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Hanna Seariac Interviews Tarik LaCour on Race and the Priesthood/Temple Restriction

 My friend Tarik LaCour was interviewed by another friend, Hanna Seariac on the topic of race and the priesthood/temple restriction:

FAIR Voice Podcast #23: Race and the Priesthood with Tarik D. LaCour

As to be expected, Dennis Horne (someone I have zero respect for as a person) proves himself to be anti-intellectual and disingenuous to the max in his "I have not listened to the podcast but let me rant" comment. For Horne, it is not faithless intellectuals mingling scriptures with "the philosophies of men"--Brigham Young was pretty open in 1852 about his introducing this on his own say-so, not revelation. Had Horne bothered to listen to the interview and/or, to be frank, read a book (e.g., Russell Stevenson, For the Cause of Righteousness: A Global History of Blacks and Mormonism, 1830-2013) he would know that.

Here is a question I would love Horne to answer: Imagine it is pre-1978. Your daughter brings back a black man and tells you she plans on marrying him. How long before you disown your daughter and/or kick out the black man (or, to use the language of Joseph Fielding Smith, father-in-law of the person we all know you hope to worship in eternity, the "darkie"?)