Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Posthumous Punishment of Those who Will Eventually Be Saved in Testament of Isaac (2nd Century AD)

In the 2nd century AD work, Testament of Isaac, we read the following in 5:10-20 wherein posthumous punishment is afflicted upon souls who will eventually be saved (cf. 1 Cor 3:15; D&C 76:104-7):


10 Isaac said, “I looked and, behold, they had agreed on a person and were hurrying him along. 11 And when they had made a sign to the lions, those who were walking with him withdrew from him. 12 Then the lions turned upon him, tore him apart in the middle, dismembered him, and chewed and swallowed him. 13 After this they ejected him from their mouths and he returned to his original state. 14 And after the lions the others came forward and did the same thing to him. 15 One after the other they would take him, and every one of them would chew him, swallow him, and eject him, and he would return to his original state.” 16 Then I said to the angel, “O my lord, what is the sin which this man has committed that he should have to endure a burden like this?”

17 The angel said to me, “It is because this man, whom you see, was in enmity with his neighbor for five hours, and he died without having been reconciled with him. 18 So he was handed over to five of the tormentors that they might torment him a whole year for each of the five hours which he spent as the enemy of his friend.” 19 Then the angel said to me, “O my beloved Isaac, see here the sixty myriads who inflict torture for each hour that the man remains hostile to his neighbor. 20 He is brought here to these creatures who torture him, each one of them for an hour until a full year is completed if he had not been making peace and repenting of his sin before his removal and his separation from his body.” (W.F. Stinespring, "Testament of Isaac," in James H. Charlesworth, The Old Testament Pseudepigrapha, Volume 1: Apocalyptic Literature and Testaments [London: Yale University Press, 1983], 908-9)


I have added this passage to the discussion at:

1 Corinthians 3:15: A very un-Protestant Biblical Verse