Sunday, November 8, 2020

Responses to Aaron Shafovaloff


I was asked recently by a facebook friend if I had any posts responding to Aaron Shafovaloff, so I decided to make this page listing such:

Review of Kwaku El (LDS) vs. Aaron Shafovaloff (Reformed) Debate: Does God Have Glory that He Will Not Share?

Aaron Shafovaloff and how Calvinism Makes God the Author of Sin

Why Reformed Protestant Appeals to King David Refute, Not Support, Their Soteriology

Daniel McClellan and Ronnie Bray on 2 Nephi 25:23 (cf. Bray's Aaron Shafovaloff's Egregious Error - 2 Nephi 25:23)

Daniel McClellan vs. Aaron Shafovaloff on D&C 19 and Hell

Why Reformed Protestant Criticisms of the Great Apostasy Ring Hollow

Converting based on a False Hope

Anti-Mormon Who Makes God the Author of Sin Unhappy He is Being Called Out

 Apostolic Succession in the Patristics and Protestant Apologists on there being no Great Apostasy

Aaron Shafovaloff: Coward and Liar

The Anti-Mormon Trinitarian Christological Dilemma: Jesus Worships God the Father

Refuting an Argument Against Latter-day Saint Ecclesiology

Further Resources

For a refutation of Aaron’s Reformed soteriology, see, for e.g.:


For a refutation of the formal doctrine of the Protestant Reformation, Sola Scriptura, see:

Aaron has also been associated with Bill McKeever's Mormonism "Research" Ministry. For a thorough response to McKeever, see: