Friday, January 8, 2021

Joseph Fielding Smith on the Importance of Being Informed about the Gospel to Combat and Prevent Heresy Among Our Ranks



. . . the Church today, like the Church in the first centuries of the Christian Era, is constantly in danger. As it was in the first century, so now, we must guard against the introduction of false doctrines, theories, and practices into the Church for in this day there are those who arise, as they arose in the days of the apostles of old, who would pervert the way of the Lord; those of an apostate spirit, who would lead away many after them. If we are informed as we should be, then these evil designing persons will have no influence upon the members of the Church. (Joseph Fielding Smith, Church History and Modern Revelation: Being a Course of Study for the Melchizedek Priesthood Quorums for the year 1947 First Series [Salt Lake City: The Deseret News Press, 1946], Preface)


If the members of the Church will carefully consider the word of the Lord and follow the precepts here given they will not be deceived by the evil spirits of man or devils. The promise is made in a positive manner that all "who buildeth upon this rock shall never fall." Yet, said to say, there are members of the Church who are ready to follow any theory, philosophy, or strange doctrine especially if with it there is something mysterious. (Ibid., 184)