Sunday, January 17, 2021

Second Forthcoming Book: "By Water and of the Spirit"

 While I am working on a book on the Eucharist and responding to Catholic theology and apologists on the Mass (working title: “Do This in Memory of Me”: A Biblical and Historical Analysis of Roman Catholic Dogmatic Teachings Concerning the Eucharist and Sacrifice of the Mass), I also have a (super duper) rough draft (more of a draft of a draft . . .) of a book (about 120,000 words so far) on baptism. The working title is:

By Water and of the Spirit: The Biblical Evidence for Baptismal Regeneration

I will announce more about both these volumes in the (hopefully near) future. Do pray that I will be able to edit these books and get them published as I am sure they will be very helpful resources for those engaged in LDS apologetics.