Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Anti-Mormon Who Makes God the Author of Sin Unhappy He is Being Called Out

 I got a rather pissy email from Aaron Shafovaloff late last night:

The post relates to Aaron Shafovaloff and how Calvinism Makes God the Author of Sin and the meme found at the start (not created by me--I believe it was created by Kwaku [said to be an accurate extrapolation of comments Aaron made--as we shall see, such is 100% the case]).

Now, I believe in being fair, so I will let Aaron speak for himself. Here is a transcription I made of Kwaku's first cross ex of Aaron during their debate, found on youtube at BEST MORMON/CHRISTIAN DEBATE ON YOUTUBE (beginning around the 31:56 mark). I will let the reader decide if Aaron is being fairly represented (hint: he is, and he is just unhappy people are finding out about his true character):

K: If a man burns down a Synagogue, sells children into trafficking, funds ISIS, but accepts the Evangelical Jesus on his deathbed, is he an heir of heaven?

A; ABSOLUTELY!!! AMEN!!! YES!!! Saved by the Blood of Jesus. Freely forgiven. Graciously loved and justified.

K: Is Mother Teresa, who died a Catholic, an heir of heaven?

A: Probably not.

. . . 

K: Did God predestine the LDS temple to exist?

A: Absolutely! Every sin; every horrible sin of the Latter-day Saint religion, just like the Assyrians' conquest of the Northern Kingdom and the Babylonians' conquest of the southern kingdom, the language of Scriptures is that God ultimately did that. He governed it; he orchestrated it; and according to Acts 4 verses 27-28, the most dramatic sin in all of human history was literally predestined by God and all the related parties were predestined to do the role on it.

K: Thank you. Did God predestine the Book of Mormon?

A: Yes.

K: Did God predestine every word written on the page of the Book of Mormon.

A: Yes. Not everything God predestines is something he is pleased with. God has a way of ordaining things that he hates.

K: Did God predestine who is saved before they're alive.

A: That's literally what the text says in Romans 9.

K: Did God predestine all of the Evangelicals in this room to be Evangelical.

A: Ah, ultimately, yeah.

K: Did God predestine all the Latter-day Saints in this room to be Latter-day Saints?

A: Oh, I don't know about that, because a lot of you people are going to crash and burn in Mormonism and you are not going to be Mormon in 10 years, and people like me are going to be sharing the gospel with you because Mormonism burned you over.


K: Did God predestine my ancestors who were taken from Guana and thrown in boats and shipped over and had their families separated and somewhere hung; some were chopped into pieces; some were lit on fire. Did He predestine the slavery and torture of the people of my family about 250 years ago?

A: My God is so big that he has governed and orchestrated history that literally every single act of evil is not outside of his control. All of evil and all of Satan is on a leash. And Jesus Christ has orchestrated things such that he gets maximal glory and he has decided that sin should be a part of history.

K: Did Anne Frank, who died of typhoid fever as we know, and she died a practising Jewish girl, a beautiful and intelligent Jewish girl, that was her religion, did God predestine her to be Jewish?

A: Yeah.

K: Did God predestine her to be sent to the camps?

A: Yes.

Kl Did God predestine her to burn in hell afterward?

A: Seems so, yes. I don't believe she is innocent. I believe she was worthy of condemnation according to Romans 1 and 2 she's got the law of God written on her heart and she, by nature, is carnal and she does not love God; she does not have the disposition toward worshipping God, and she needs to be born again. There's no free passes around this. You have to be born again because you're corrupt including you Kwaku.

K: Yes, the corrupt Anne Frank.

A: Absolutely!

. . . 

[on Genesis 50:20/Romans 8:28 and God working all things for good]

K: And including the burning of Anne Frank "works for good"?

A: Genesis 50:20--Joseph says to his brothers you meant it for evil but God meant it for good. God has the ability . . . 

K: What is the good part of Anne Frank die and in a camp and be sent to burn for eternity in hell? What is the good in that?

A: You know, I don't know, but I know that God has a way of governing even more sinful acts that led to the salvation of his people. If God can predestine the sin that was the murder of Jesus Christ on the cross, and bring it for my good, then he can predestine that kind of evil for good. I can trust Him for that.

K: So, just to be clear that it is good and it works for God's good that Anne Frank was tortured and burn in hell.

A: It works for God's good but it is not in of itself morally good. God has a way of ordaining things that he hates. He can ordain according to Romans 11 all things are from him and through him and to him. And we can say . . . 

K: Did God decree things that are bad?

A: That's literally what Nathan says to David when he's . . . 

K: Perfect, I only have a couple seconds . . . if God ordains things that are bad, is God then the father of sin?

A He's not the father of the sin he's the "morally culpable origin." (edit: Aaron did email me to correct me on this score, and unlike him, I have intellectual honesty and integrity, so will make the necessary edit--he clarified with the following [even if it is a cop-out as God foreordained secondary means but Aaron is not an honest individual]--He can be the primary cause of all things without being morally culpable for secondary causes.)

Aaron is being fairly represented, and if anyone's conscious should be stirring, it should be his. His "god" is an impotent monster and his theology, Calvinism, is eviler than the abortion industry--the latter only destroys the body, Calvinism destroys the soul (see An Examination and Critique of the Theological Presuppositions Underlying Reformed Theology for a fuller discussion).

Update: To appease Aaron, I decided to make sure it is clear one is offering a summary of what Aaron believes on this issue:

Personally, I think it is great that Aaron's daughter is coming across this information. Once she and her siblings realizes Aaron's true (pitiful) character, it might save a lot of money on therapy bills when they reach adulthood.