Wednesday, February 10, 2021

"Born of Water and of the Spirit" and "Do This in Memory of Me": Now on Amazon (And a free book offer for Catholics)

My two recent books are now on

"Born of Water and of the Spirit": The Biblical Evidence for Baptismal Regeneration (LULU link)

Do This in Memory of Me: A Biblical and Historical Analysis of Roman Catholic Dogmatic Teachings Concerning the Eucharist and Sacrifice of the Mass (LULU link)

I include the Lulu links to both books as Amazon tend to take a larger % of the revenue.

If you are a Roman Catholic, however, and you want to read my book on the Eucharist (where I interact with, and critique, the likes of Brant Pitre, Patrick Madrid, and Robert Sungenis), I will send you a PDF for free. Let me know if you want a copy by contacting me at IrishLDS87ATGmailDOTCom