Monday, February 15, 2021

Reviews of Davis, Visions in a Seer Stone

 Recently, John Dehlin interviewed William L. Davis on the topic of his book, Visions in a Seer Stone. I read this book shortly after it came out, and did not find it persuasive (a friend asked me to sum up the book: "joke" was a term I used). One can find the interview at:

Mormon Stories #1396​: Visions in a Seer Stone: Joseph Smith and the Making of the Book of Mormon

There have been some devastating reviews and refutations of Davis book which I would recommend on pursuing:

Brian C. Hales, Theories and Assumptions: A Review of William L. Davis’s Visions in a Seer Stone

Brant A. Gardner, Oral Creation and the Dictation of the Book of Mormon

Stephen O. Smoot, Notes on Book of Mormon Heads