Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Some Updates, Personal and Blog-Related

 As I started working (albeit, via distance at the moment[*]) two weeks ago, I will, Monday to Friday, not be able to post as much as I have been recently (working 4pm to midnight [9-5 Utah time]), so expect more posts during weekends than during the week. That is not to say I won't be posting between Monday to Friday from now on, just that one has to have priorities (working in a dream job! more details to follow soon . . . )

With respect to the books, I have sent them to a friend who volunteered to typeset them. The Eucharist volume came to about 120,000 words and the baptism volume 145,000 words. As I try to write books that will be "the" go-to apologetic resource for Latter-day Saints, I do believe these will also be "the" go-to texts on responding to Catholics on Eucharistic theology as well as defending baptismal regeneration from the Bible.

(*) Prayers/good wishes/positive vibes that my VISA will be processed ASAP and COVID will not interfere with my plans to move to Utah will be appreciated!