Sunday, March 28, 2021

Benjamin F. Johnson Providing Additional Material to what is now D&C 131

Benjamin F. Johnson provided the following additional details about what is now D&C 131 (the section was based on notes from a private conversation between Joseph Smith, William Clayton, and Benjamin F. Johnson):


Benjamin [F. Johnson] says he “nothing but the unpardonable sin can prevent him (me) from inheriting eternal glory for he is sealed up by the power of the priesthood unto eternal life having taken the step which is necessary for that purpose.” He said that except a man and his wife enter into an everlasting covenant and be married for eternity while in this probation by the power and authority of the Holy priesthood they will cease to increase when they die (i e) they will not have any children in the resurrection, but those who are married by the power & authority of the priesthood in this life & continue without committing the sin against the Holy Ghost will continue to increase & have children in the celestial glory. The unpardonable sin is to shed innocent blood or be accessory thereto. All other sins will be visited with judgement in the flesh and the spirit being delivered to the buffetings of Satan untill the day of the Lord Jesus.” I feel desirous to be united in an everlasting covenant to my wife and pray that it may soon be. (Instruction, 16 May 1843, as Reported by William Clayton, pp. 14-15)