Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Philo Dibble’s Account of Being Miraculously Healed by a Blessing from Newel K. Whitney in 1833



. . . [in 1833 in Jackson County, Missouri] I was wounded in a Battle above big blue with a ball and two buck shot in the bowels. I bled inwardly till my body filled with blood. I walked home a half of a mile, the blood lay in me 48 hours. I was examined by a surgeon by the name of Marsh from Boston. He was in Black hawks War. He said that he never saw a man shot as I was that ever lived that I was a dead man . . . I was visited by an Elder by the name of Newel Knight who administered to me by the laying on of hands. The Spirit of God accompanying it. Commencing at the crown of my head passing through my body then my limbs going out of the end of my toes and fingers . . . I discharged four quarts of blood by the way of the stool. I was then made whole from that very hour. (Philo Dibble Statement)