Friday, March 12, 2021

Insights from the 1852 Australian Latter-day Saint Hymnal

While reading the 1852 Australian Latter-day Saint Hymnal for another project, I found the following interesting excerpts which I thought I would share:


"Jehovah" being Used of the Father in Distinction to the Son:


Hymn 5


4 Bearing the seed of heav'nly virtue,

Scatter it o'er all the earth.

Go! Jehovah will support you,

Gather all the sheaves of worth,

Then with Jesus,

Reign in glory on the earth.


Hymn 28


4 The name of Jehovah is worthy of praising,

And so is the Saviour an excellent theme;

The elders of Israel a standard are raising,

And call on all nations to come to the same:

these elders go forth, and the gospel are preaching.

And all that will hear them they freely are teaching.

And thus is the vision of Daniel fulfilling--

The stone of the mountain will soon fill the earth.


"It is Finished" (John 19:30) being Understood in a Soteriological Manner (cf. Full Refutation of the Protestant Interpretation of John 19:30)


Hymn 25

1 Hark!--the voice of love and mercy

Sounds aloud from Calvary!

See! it rends the rocks asunder--

Shakes the earth--and veils the sky!

"It is finished"--

hear the dying Savior cry!


2 "It is finished!"--oh, what pleasure

Do these charming words afford!

Heav'nly blessings, without measure,

Flow to us through Christ the Lord!

"It is finished!"--

Saints, the dying words record!


3 Tune your harps anew, ye seraphs,

Join to sing the pleasing theme

All in earth and heav'n uniting,

Join to praise Immanuel's name:


Glory to the bleeding Lamb!