Thursday, March 11, 2021

Salt Lake School of the Prophets June 20, 1868: The JST (Inspired Version) was not Complete


June 20, 1868; Saturday


The School of the Prophets met at 1 p.m. President [Brigham] Young spoke of the new translation of the Bible and said it was not complete. Dr. [John M.] Bernhisel testified that the Prophet [Joseph Smith] told him that he wishes to revise it. Emma Smith let Dr. Bernhisel have the new translation to peruse it, for three months; during this time the Doctor copied much of it. Orson Pratt compared many of the sayings in the new and old translations. George A. Smith testified that he had heard the prophet Joseph say, before his death, that the new translation was not complete; that he had not been able to prepare it, and that it was probably providentially so. (Salt Lake School of the Prophets, 1867-1883 [ed. Devery S. Anderson; Salt Lake City: Signature Books, 2018], 23-24)