Sunday, March 21, 2021

W. Matthew Grant (Critic of Open Theism): Open Theists Affirm God Has Exhaustive Knowledge of the Past and Then-Present

One criticism of Open Theism one will find from the more ignorant opponents of such a theology is that, in Open Theism, God can forget past events (James White has made this claim recently, for e.g.). However, this is simply false. But don’t take my word for it or any other proponent of Open Theism. Take the following from a Roman Catholic critic of Open Theism who, to his credit, affirms Open Theists do affirm God’s knowledge of past and present events is exhaustive:


Notice that even Open Theists must deny that the divine ignorance portrayed in the first passage [Gen 18:20-21] (and the like) should be taken literally, for they are committed to God’s exhaustive knowledge of the present and past. Indeed, one of their main strategies for interpreting passages in which God predicts what free creatures will do is to say that even though God lacks certain knowledge of future free actions, God is able to accurately to make many predictions about what free creatures will do based on his complete knowledge of the past and present, including full knowledge of the state of his free creatures’ characters. (W. Matthews Grant, Free Will and God's Universal Causality: The Dual Sources Account [London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2020], 190 n. 28, emphasis in bold added, comment in square bracket added for clarification)