Saturday, April 17, 2021

Dallin Oaks Recounts and Early Example of his Fallibility


Once, Dallin opposed the stake president’s proposal on where a new stake center should be built. In response, the stake president asked that they pray about the matter and discuss it the next week. “Almost perfunctorily,” Dallin wrote, “I prayed about the subject, and immediately received a strong impression that I was wrong, that I was standing in the way of the Lord’s will, and that I should remove myself from opposition to it. This was one of the most surprising and most visit revelations I have ever received in my life. Needless to say, I promptly gave my approval to the proposed construction. The wisdom of constructing the sake center at that location was soon evident, even to me My reasons to the contrary turned out to be shortsighted, and I was soon grateful to have been restrained by the Spirit from relying on them.” (Richard E. Turley Jr., In the Hands of the Lord: The Life of Dallin H. Oaks [Salt Lake City: Deseret Book, 2021], 93-94)