Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Philip Klingensmith (1850s): There is Only One Mother in Heaven

In a meeting with Danish emigrants held October 29, 1854, (the soon to be infamous) Philip Klingensmith is recorded as having made the following doctrinal statements:


P.K. Smith made remarks upon the principle of Celestial marriage . . . How that all the true hearted Saints, were all brothers and sisters of one Father and one Mother, that Adam was our Father, that we were the children of one Mother, consequently we are all brothers and sisters, that our wives and sisters. (Bowering, George K., to Bishop Edward Hunter, 12 Oct. 1858, as quoted in Anna Jean Backus, Mountain Meadows Witness: The Life and Times of Bishop Philip Klingensmith [Spokane, Wash.: The Arthur H. Clark Company, 1996], 80)


Note that there is only one mother in Heaven and everyone is the spirit son/daughter of her, and not a case that there are plural heavenly mothers.