Sunday, May 9, 2021

The Ongoing Intellectual and Theological Disingenuousness of Michael Flournoy

 A friend recently sent me this blog post by Michael "Living proof of Hebrews 6:4-6 and 10:26-29" Flournoy. It is an eisegesis-driven attempt to defend his Protestant soteriology. Needless to say, Flournoy has already been refuted, and, as he is a self-deceived and intellectually disingenuous individual, repeats the same falsehoods over and over again, such as the claim a truly justified believer can not lose their salvation.

For those who want to know more, see:

Response to a Recent Attempt to Defend Imputed Righteousness cf. my 7-part Λογιζομαι in texts contemporary with the New Testament series

 Part 1 (LXX Apocrypha)

Full Refutation of the Protestant Interpretation of John 19:30

An Examination and Critique of the Theological Presuppositions Underlying Reformed Theology

Full Refutation of the Protestant Claim Romans 10:9-10 Teaches Sola Fide

My recent book, "Born of Water and of the Spirit": The Biblical Evidence for Baptismal Regeneration is also apropos here (I hope to arrange a debate with a Reformed friend of mine on the topic of baptismal regeneration soon, so watch this space)

Can a Believer Ever Fall from the (Salvific) Love of God? (a direct response to Flournoy on eternal security/perseverance of the Saints). cf: James White (and John Owen) on Hebrews 10:29

King David Refutes Reformed Soteriology (King David, one of the two examples of justification used by Paul in Romans 4, alone refutes Flournoy's nonsense)

Hebrews 6:4-9: Only Hypothetical?

Other previous responses to Michael "Living Proof of 'Novak's Rule'" Flournoy, see: