Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Another Example of τρωγω being used Metaphorically, not Literally

In Aristophanes, Clouds, 924, we read:


γνώμας τρώγων Πανδελετείους.


According to the Brill Dictionary of Ancient Greek, this example of τρωγω is:


fig. com. γνώμας τ. Πανδελετείους to chew on the thoughts of Pandeleteios Aristoph. Nub. 924 (Franco Montanari, The Brill Dictionary of Ancient Greek [Leiden: Brill, 2015], S.V. τρωγω)


This is another refutation of the naïve claim of many Roman Catholic apologists that τρωγω is never used metaphorically in Greek.


For more, including a lengthy discussion of John 6, see my book:


“Do This in Memory of Me”: A Biblical and Historical Analysis of Roman Catholic Dogmatic Teachings Concerning the Eucharist and Sacrifice of the Mass


If anyone wants a PDF copy of this book, drop me an email at ScripturalMormonismATgmailDOTcom