Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Examples of 19th-century Patriarchal Blessings Promising Recipients they Will Trace their Family History and be Sealed back to Abel


Patriarchal blessing of Edson Barney by John Smith on August 31, 1844:


Thou shalt have power to save all thy dear friends, clear back to Able, there shall not be a link broken in the chain, and thy desires concerning the living ones according to the desire of thy heart shall thy days be even to see the fulfillment of all the prophets have spoken concerning Zion since the worlds began, and shall be satisfied with the riches of the earth . . . (H. Michael Marquardt, comp., Later Patriarchal Blessings of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints [Salt Lake City: The Smith-Pettit Foundation, 2012], 11)



Patriarchal blessing of David Sessions by John Smith on February 10, 1848:


Thou shall be sati[s]fied with every good and perfect gift; redeem thy father’s house that none shall be lost from the days of Abel until thou hast accomplished thy works. Not a word of this blessing shall fail. Amen. (Ibid., 42)


Patriarchal blessing of Esther Wainwright Bennion by John Smith on February 28, 1848:


. . . there shall not a link broken from the days of righteous Abel, until all things may be fulfilled which the prophets have spoken concerning Zion. (Ibid., 43)