Friday, July 16, 2021

My book on the Eucharist "Do This in Memory of Me"

 As the Mass is in the news due to Francis' new Moto Proprio, Traditionist Custodes, my most recent book is a full-length examination of the dogmas of the Mass (Transubstantiation; Mass as a propitiatory sacrifice; Eucharistic veneration/adoration; Concommitance) using both the Bible and patristic literature as evidence.

It is called "Do This in Memory of Me": A Biblical and Historical Analysis of Roman Catholic Dogmatic Teachings Concerning the Eucharist and Sacrifice of the Mass. It can be found on Lulu and Amazon, *but* if one wants a free PDF (esp. if one is a Roman Catholic), email me at ScripturalMormonismATgmailDOTcom and I will happily send you one.