Wednesday, July 14, 2021

The Tanners vs. charge Pentagrams on LDS Temples are "Satanic"

Commenting on the charge that the pentagrams one finds on the Nauvoo and Salt Lake Temples are Satanic/occultic, the Tanners(!) wrote that


. . . one must be careful about making too much of this matter. Masons were using inverted pentagrams before Joseph Smith established Mormonism. For example, in his book, Freemasonry Exposed, first published in 1827, Capt. William Morgan shows an upside down pentagram (see page 106). We will never know exactly what significance Joseph Smith attached to pentagrams. In over thirty years of extensive research into the foundations of Mormonism we have never found evidence that any Mormon leader has ever ascribed anything evil to pentagrams. (Jerald and Sandra Tanner, Satanic Ritual Abuse and Mormonism [Salt Lake City: Utah Lighthouse Ministry, 1992], 92)


Further Reading

Question: Isn't the inverted five-pointed star on some Mormon temples really a symbol of evil?