Thursday, September 16, 2021

DMCA Complaint Against My Blog//For Those Who Want to Support This Blog

Today I got a DMCA complaint for a post (now removed by Blogger) where I quoted from a new book Gary Edward Schnittjer, Old Testament Use of Old Testament: A Book-by-Book Guide on the use of Micah 3:12 in Jer 26:18. I have not been told who complained, but I am sure the perpetrators are (1) Zondervan Academic and/or (2) Gary Edward Schnittjer. Not even Rob Bowman has stooped this low, and that says a lot. As a friend said about this, "Zondervan is like the Russian Orthodox Church that squelched all missionary activity in Russia through government coercion, they are enemies of freedom of speech and thought."

To let these parties know what <rhymes with 'runt'> bags they truly are, they can be contacted at Zondervan Academic's twitter page and Gary Edward Schnittjer's University page.

Which brings up something important

As progressives (and now, Evangelical Protestants) are very quick to try to cancel people, the future of this blog is one I cannot 100% vouch for. However, I do hope that things like this will not affect the future thereof as I do enjoy writing and educating people about various theological/scriptural issues, and I will fight to the end to make sure this blog remains online.

For those who wish to support this blog, one can do such via Paypal.