Saturday, September 11, 2021

James White: The Being of God as a "Him"

In another instance of a Trinitarian speaking gibberish, notice the following from James White in foreword to a recent book, wherein the “being” of God is referred to a “him”:


The reality of the truth that the one true God of Israel had revealed himself in three distinct, identifiable Persons, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit . . . (James White, “Foreword” in Tony Costa, Early Christian Creeds and Hymns—What the Earliest Christians Believed in Word and Song: An Exegetical-Theological Setting [Peterborough, Ontario: H&E Academic, 2021], xvii)


 For similar comments where White sounds either like a Unitarian or a believer in a "Quadrinity" (with the "being" of God being treated as a distinct person) from the 2nd editions of both Is the Mormon My Brother? and The Forgotten Trinity, see:

Another Trinitarian Apologist Sounding Like a Unitarian in Discussing (the Being of) "God" and

More Unitarian Statements from a Trinitarian Apologist