Monday, September 20, 2021

Quinisext/Trullo Affirming Baptismal Regeneration





That baptism is not to be celebrated in a chapel inside of a house


[47] Baptism is never to be celebrated in a chapel inside a house. But those who wish to receive the spotless illumination should go to the public and there enjoy this gift. (The Canons of Quinisext Council (691-2) [trans. Richard Price; Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 2020], 137-38)




About those of whom it is not known for certain whether they were baptized


[54] Following the canonical regulations of the fathers, we decree about infants, ‘whenever there are not found reliable witnesses testifying that they were certainly baptized, and when because of their age they themselves are unable to answer this question about the sacramental initiation they received are to be baptized without any hindrance, lest hesitation over this should deprive them of this sacramental cleansing (Canon 72 of Carthage). (Ibid., 158)


Further Reading

"Born of Water and of the Spirit": The Biblical Evidence for Baptismal Regeneration (2021) (if anyone wants a free PDF copy, drop me an email at ScripturalMormonismATgmailDOTcom)