Sunday, October 17, 2021

Baptismal Regeneration Affirmed in the 1631 "The Eastern Confession of the Christian Faith"

In The Eastern Confession of the Christian Faith (Constantinople, January 1631) issued by Cyril Lucaris, the Patriarch of Constantinople, notwithstanding channelling Calvinistic theological concepts (which would be condemned at the 1672 Eastern Orthodox Synod of Jerusalem), affirmed baptismal regeneration:




We believe that Baptism is a Mystery instituted by the Lord, which, except any one receive, he hath no communion with Christ, from whose death, burial, and glorious resurrection, flow all the virtue and efficacy of Baptism; wherefore, as to those that are so baptised, as is commanded in the Gospel, we doubt not that their sins are forgiven, whether hereditary, or any such as the baptised hath committed; so that those that are wished in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, are regenerated, cleansed, and justified. But concerning a second reception of Baptism we have no commandment, so as to reiterate Baptism. Therefore we ought to refrain from this irregularity. (J.N.W.B. Robertson, The Acts and Decrees of The Synod of Jerusalem Sometimes Called The Council of Bethlehem Holden Under Dositheus, Patriarch of Jerusalem in 1672 [London: Thomas Baker, 1899], 202)


Further Reading on Baptismal Regeneration

Robert S. Boylan, "By Water and of the Spirit": The Biblical Evidence for Baptismal Regeneration (if one wants a PDF copy, email me at ScripturalMormonismATgmailDOTcom)