Saturday, October 30, 2021

Contemporary of Augustine (354-430) who was a Proponent of Sola Scriptura

I have some good news for my Protestant friends. I have found a contemporary of Augustine of Hippo (354-430) who believed in Sola Scriptura. Here are some quotations you can appeal to: (and no doubt, will say 'Amen' at the end of each quote)

If you produce from the divine scriptures something we all share, we shall have to listen. But those words which are not found in the scriptures are under no circumstance accepted by us, especially since the Lord warns us, saying, ‘In vain they worship me, teaching human commandments and precepts’ (Mt 15:9) [1]


“I state this on the basis of the scriptures. At your bidding, I will follow up with testimonies [from the scriptures]” [2]


“But if one uses some literary skill or cleverness of mind and makes up words which the holy scriptures do not contain, they are both idle and superfluous.” [3]


“And I profess in accord with the statement of divine scriptures . . .” [4]


“After all, we are protected not by mere talk, but by the testimonies of the divine scriptures” [5]


“We believe the scriptures, and we venerate the divine scriptures. We do not want a single particle of a letter to perish, for we fear the threat that is stated in these divine scriptures, ‘Woe to those who take away or add!’ (Dt 4:2) [6]


“All divinely inspired scripture is useful for teaching (2 Tim 3:16). For that reason, ‘not one least letter or one particle of a letter will pass away (Mt. 5:18). The Lord said, ‘Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away.’ (Mt 24:35) [7]


“We ought to accept all the things that are brought forth from the holy scriptures with full veneration. The divine scripture has not come as a source of our instruction so that we might correct it. How I wish that we may prove to be worthy disciples of the scriptures!” [8]


“The truth is not obtained by argumentation, but is proved by certain testimonies [i.e., the Scriptures]” [9]


“[T]hat, if you state this [i.e., the doctrine of the Trinity] from the divine scriptures, if you produce any passage of scripture, we are eager to be found disciples of the divine scriptures.” [10]


The bad news is that this is Maximinus, an Arian bishop. An early proponent of the formal doctrine of Protestantism was someone you would believe to be a formal heretic.


Sources for the Above


[1] Debate with Maximinus, 1


[2] Ibid., 4


[3] Ibid., 13


[4] Ibid., 14


[5] Ibid., 15:1


[6] Ibid., 15:13


[7] Ibid., 15:16


[8] Ibid., 15:20


[9] Ibid., 15:21


[10] 15:26