Friday, October 29, 2021

Oliver B. Huntington (1823-1909) Affirming Baptismal Regeneration in "A Trip to Carson Valley" (1887)

In an exhortation to young Latter-day Saints, Oliver B. Huntington wrote:  

I will tell you, my young friends, how that Holy Ghost will guide you. If, when you are made clean from sin by baptism, you do not willingly enter again into sin, pray often, keep the Sabbath day holy, always try as earnestly as you can to be a peacemaker, help every institution of Zion, cheerfully obey every call of the Lord through those who have the authority from God to call, and live lives of purity in every way, that Holy Ghost will be in you all the time and influence you in all your thoughts, words and actions, bring to your mind things forgotten when you need them, and suggest to your mind principle and doctrine, when really necessary, that has never been taught you in this life, but which you knew before you came to this world. (Oliver B. Huntington, “A Trip to Carson Valley,” in Eventful Narratives: The Thirteenth Book of the Faith-Promoting Series [Salt Lake City: Juvenile Instructor Office, 1887], 84, emphasis added)


Further Reading

Robert S. Boylan, "Born of Water and of the Spirit": The Biblical Evidence for Baptismal Regeneration (2021) (for those who want a free PDF of this book, drop me an email at ScripturalMormonismATgmailDOTcom)