Friday, November 5, 2021

Matt Slick Confesses His Ignorance about the Church Fathers

You [Mark Bonocore] mentioned 'Church Fathers' and all I know about Church Fathers I can write on one piece of paper, and a small one at that. I can quote you the names like Irenaeus, Tertullian, but I don't know anything about them. (Sola Scriptura Debate - Matt Slick vs Mark Bonocore 5:40 mark)

To see an example of Slick's failure to exegete patristic sources in context, see Appendix 7: A Look at the Soteriology of 1 Clement, pp. 207-18 of my book, "Born of Water and of the Spirit": The Biblical Evidence for Baptismal Regeneration (2021) where I discuss Slick's abuse, not just of 1 Corinthians, but the writings of Polycarp and Marius Victorinus (for those who want a free PDF copy of the book, drop me an email at ScripturalMormonismATgmailDOTcom)