Saturday, November 27, 2021

Off to Utah in December//Goals for 2022

 As many know, I hope to move to Utah permanently in 2022 (so much red tape . . . ) I will be in Utah for another 3-month stint from December 1 until the end of February. As I will be flying out soon, expect there to be ‘radio silence' on this blog for a few days. UPDATE: still in Ireland. They did not let me in on the ESTA and now I have to wait for the VISA to go through. Sad face.


I will continue blogging, and once I am permanently in the USA (not just simply there for 3-month stints) I hope to set up a podcast interviewing LDS and non-LDS on theological issues (e.g., Anglican and Catholic sacramental theology in light of texts such as Apostolicae Curae [yes, you read that right]; textual criticism of the OT, NT, and non-canonical texts; 'meet the apologist' segments; patristic texts, Christology, etc).


The projects I hope to work on in 2022 (outside projects I will be doing for work) include:


(*) reception history of Daniel 7, with a focus on the interpretation of the "Ancient of Days" (not much has been done by LDS on this issue and JS' identification of the AofD with Michael/Adam)

(*) textual criticism of the Bible, with a focus on the Old Testament (thinking of organizing a few LDS scholars and apologists to come together for a book entitled something like "As Far as it is Translated Correctly": 1 Nephi 13 and the Eighth Article of Faith in the Light of Modern Textual Criticism"—watch this space for more)

(*) revisit the topic of the canon and its formation, with a focus on the Apocrypha/Deutero-canonical books

(*) if time permits, revisit the topic of the textual development of Deuteronomy and the appearance of Deuteronomy in the Book of Mormon (have not touched this topic since 2010)

(*) getting equipment (e.g., good microphone; etc) for the podcast

(*) continue doing research into Open Theism from a Latter-day Saint framework for a future book

(*) further studies into Satanology & Demonology and the origins and development of New Testament and Early Christian theologies on these issues

(*) work on topics such as soteriology and Christology and related topics for future books


I hope to have a day/time/venue organized for the debate on the Immaculate Conception announced in early 2022. Ditto for the debate on Sola Scriptura. I am also trying to find someone who will agree to debate me on the topic of baptismal regeneration (though as with Sola Scriptura, finding it super hard to find Protestants who reject this doctrine to debate it).

For those who wish to donate to support my research/writing, you can make a donation on Paypal. I also take Amazon vouchers (Email: