Wednesday, November 17, 2021

On the ordering of verses 18 and 19 in Alma 11

In Alma 11, we read:


18 Now this is their number, according to their reckoning.

19 Now an antion of gold is equal to three shiblons.


The ordering of these verses seems out of place; after all, in the previous verses, beginning in v. 5, we have a listing of different Nephite weights/measures, so one would expect v. 19 to precede v. 18, which serves as a conclusion to the discussion of Nephite currency. Indeed, in the pre-publication (i.e., pre-1830) textual tradition of the Book of Mormon, we find that this is the case and that this is an error that was introduced during the publication of the 1830 Book of Mormon and has remained to this day. In the Printer’s Manuscript of the Book of Mormon, we read:


now an antion of Gold is equal to three shiblons now this is their number according to their reckoning.