Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Orson Hyde on the Necessity for the Unanimity of the Quorums for a Doctrine to be Authoritative and Binding


There is a way by which all revelations purporting to be from God through any man can be tested. Brother Joseph Smith gave us the plan. Says he, ‘When all the quorums are assembled and organized in order, let the revelation be presented to the quorums. If it pass[es] one let it go to another. And if it pass[es] that [one], to another, and so on until it has passed all the quorums. And if it pass[es] the whole without running against a snag, you may know it is of God. But if it runs against a snag then,’ says he, ‘it wants enquiring into: you must see to it.’ It is known to some who are present that there is a quorum organized where revelations can be tested. Brother Joseph said, ‘Let no revelation go to the people until it has been tested here’” (“Trial of Elder Rigdon,” Times and Seasons 5, vol. 17 [September 15, 1844], 649-50)