Monday, December 13, 2021

An Example of A Super Low Ecclesiology

The following is such a low ecclesiology, it would even make the average attendee to Calvary Chapel squirm it is that bad:

The true church is all the called out sanctified saints, of the Christian age, in resurrected capacity; the church of the firstborn, whose names are written in heaven. Hebr. 12:23. . . . They are members of the church, which is (not a sect, but) Christ’s body. Eph. 1:22. The body is not organized till the resurrection. Rev. 21:9, 10; 1 Thess. 4:13-18. (W.L. Crowe, The Mormon Waterloo: Being a Condensed and Classified Array of Testimony and Arguments Against the False Prophet, Joseph Smith, his Works, and his Church System and Doctrines: Based upon Standard History, Science, the Bible and Smith Against Himself [St. Paul, Nebr.: 1902], 55, emphasis in bold added)