Sunday, December 26, 2021

Books I ordered for myself for Christmas 2021

For those who are wondering what volumes I got myself for Christmas this year, wonder no more:

E. Cecil McGain, Cumorah's Gold Bible

Robert Eisen, The Book of Job in Medieval Jewish Philosophy

James Crossley, The Date of Mark's Gospel: Insight from the Law in Earliest Christianity

Adolf Büchler, Sin and Atonement in Rabbinic Literature of the First Century

Uran C. von Wahlde, Gnosticism, Docetism, and the Judaisms of the First Century

Michael Anthony Kibb, The Septuagint and Messianism

Johan Lust, Messianism and the Septuagint: Collected Essays

David A. Baer, When We All Go Home: Translation and Theology in LXX Isaiah 56-66

Richard Bauckham, The Climax of Prophecy

Andrew T. Abernethy and Gregory Goswell, God's Messiah in the Old Testament: Expectations of a Coming King

Michael L. Satlow, Jewish Marriage in Antiquity

Ross Hassig, Polygamy and the Rise and Demise of the Aztec Empire

Jeffrey D. Johnson, The Failure of Natural Theology