Saturday, December 4, 2021

Examples 19th century Patriarchal Blessings Mentioning the "Ancient of Days"



EPB = H. Michael Marquardt, comp., Early Patriarchal Blessings of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Salt Lake City: The Smith-Petit Foundation, 2007)


PBSLDSGA  = H. Michael Marquardt, comp., The Patriarchal Blessings of Selected LDS General Authorities: A Supplement to Early Patriarchal Blessings of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Salt Lake City: The Smith-Petit Foundation, 2007)


LPB = H. Michael Marquardt, comp., Later Patriarchal Blessings of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Salt Lake City: The Smith-Petit Foundation, 2012)


The records of past ages and generations, and the histories of ancient days shall he bring forth: even the record of the Nephites shall he again obtain, with all those hid up by Mormon, and others who were righteous, and many others, till he is overwhelmed with knowledge. No precious thing shall slumber from his possession, for he shall be covered with the most choice of all ages. till his soul shall be satisfied and his heart shall say, Enough, Enough! In his hands shall the Urim and Thummim remain and the holy ministry, and the keys of the evangelical priesthood, also, for an everlasting priesthood forever, even the patriarchal; for behold, he is the first patriarch in the last days. He shall sit in the great assembly and general council of patriarchs, and execute the will and commandment of God under the direction of the Ancient of Days; for he shall have his place and act in his station. (Blessing for Joseph Smith Jr. by Oliver Cowdery on September 22, 1835, EPB, 52. This is important as Cowdery differentiates "God" from "Ancient of Days" [and, by implication, Adam/Michael], under the auspices of Joseph Smith)


Thou art not called to go to foreign countries, but thou shalt be a counsellor and judge in Zion, and set in the grand council when the Ancient of days shall sit. and thine eyes shall see old father Adam. (Joseph Smith Sr., Patriarchal Blessing of David Foote, c. 1836, EPB, 119)


art of the pure blood of Jacob, and have a right to all the blessings of the house of Joseph, and shall receive an everlasting inheritance when the Ancient of Days shall come, and thou shalt have power to come forth on the morning of the first resurrection and shall be numbered with the sanctified before the Lord. (Patriarchal Blessing of George Albert Smith given by Zebedee Coltrin on January 16, 1884, PBSLDSGA, 14)


thou shall be one of those that shall attend the council when the Ancient of Days shall sit, and when judgement shall be given to the saints of the Most High God, and when they will come forth, being clothed with great power and authority. (Peter Milling, Patriarchal blessing of Heber Chase Kimball on April 14, 1840, LPB, 98)


You Shall have a Seat with the Antient [Ancient] of days, and Adam Your father, and all the Holy Prophets. (Charles W. Hyde, Patriarchal blessing of Ellen Cantwell McCann on September 8, 1870, LPB, 149. Note that the 'Ancient of Days' is differentiated in here from 'Adam Your father')


Thou shalt behold the Blessed gathering, and be delighted with the assemblies of the ancient worthies, Patriarchs and Prophets of old and see the Ancient of Days set at the head of the human families, join the church of the First Born and live in reign of righteousness with thy blessed Redeemer in the great Millennium. (Patriarchal blessing of Thomas Whiteley by John Albiston on August 26, 1845, LPB, 324. Note that the “Ancient of Days” is said to be “set at the head of the human families,” emphasising that this figure is the primordial man, Adam)